Sunday, April 24, 2011

Golf Land/Sun Splash

No school on Friday meant a fun day out and about with the family. Here are some pictures of you having fun goofy golfing, eating and hunting for eggs. Later that day, we colored eggs and had fun with our friends.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dress up girl!

You love to dress up.  You love to put on anything that looks cute or silly.  I took this piture of  you back in February.  Stylish!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hi, Mary.  This is your mom.  I started this blog for you so I could keep records of your earlier years.  I hope that I will not dissapoint and remember to post as often as I can all your achievements and accomplishments. Know that you are a great girl and a big boss to your twin brother, Joe.
You are 4 years-old now and go to Aunt Linda's preschool.  You are a tall, slender, active little girl!